How to use

Learn where to place the CSS code: Demo

License summary

By obtaining and using graphics from, you agree to the terms of the License Agreement

  • You can use graphics in personal or commercial projects
  • You cannot use graphics in competing products
  • You must provide attribution
  • Full license

Attribution info

Hey I'm Matt, please choose your way to credit my work:

Learn about attribution

CSS Code


If you found this useful, please give a shoutout for Andrew's CSS trick and Matt's generator.

Recommendations, tips, and notes, when using custom SVGs

  • It is a good idea optimize your SVG code to remove unneeded code
  • Ensure your design spans the entire width and avoids getting too close to the top and bottom edges of viewBox to avoid clipping.
  • The viewBox should ideally use nice, whole numbers and a 10:1 ratio. All our designs use viewBox="0 0 1000 100".
  • The SVG element's width and height will be overridden, while preserveAspectRatio="none" ignores the viewBox's proportions.
  • Colors are removed, because black is the default color—which is ideal for masks. This includes fill, stroke, and stop-color.
  • You may use opacity, fill-opacity, and stroke-opacity. However, the container boundry may be visible if all elements have opacity.

Shape Divider Generator

It’s easy to layer a solid color SVG shape divider over your background. However, we can use background designs, photos, gradients, patterns, or textures on neighboring sections with Andrew Walpole’s CSS mask technique. Choose from 120 shape dividers (40 free), customize, then generate the CSS code.

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Graphics:SVG Dividers
Full set:124 Dividers
Freebies:40 Dividers
Free until:Jul 2120
Published:Jul 2024
License:Free with attribution

Customize Shape Dividers

Background Type Preview




Designs from
Patterns from
Photos from
Textures from




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You must be logged in for ALL ACCESS to the complete set of 124 dividers—plus our premium library of SVG backgrounds, icons, blobs, and more.

Quickly customize unlimited graphics in unlimited projects without attribution.

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Hey, I'm Matt , the creator behind SVG Backgrounds. I produce free and paid resources every month, sign up for alerts.

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